14:15 〜 14:30
▲ [10p-N205-5] Development of Perfect absorbers by LaB6-based Metal-Insulator-Metal Stripes
キーワード:perfect absorber, plasmonics, thermal emitter
Searching for practical plasmonic materials for state-of-the-art infrared applications has been gaining interest in recent years. Conventional noble metals such as Au, Ag, Al, Cu are well-known plasmonic materials because of their excellent plasmonic properties in the ultraviolet-visible region. However, these metals are not suitable for high-temperature infrared applications due to their low thermal stability. With a high melting point of about 2200°C, LaB6 is one of the candidates for novel plasmonic materials because of its electrical, optical properties, low work function. Besides, more heat-resistant than conventional metals, LaB6 is a refractory ceramic material and could be used for infrared thermal application and near infrared plasmonics. In this work, taking advantage of LaB6, we designed the Metal-Insulator-Metal (MIM) Stripe structure for potential use in thermal emitters. Using sputter deposited LaB6 films and Reactive Ion Etching (RIE), we successfully fabricated the perfect absorber devices, which could be operated at high temperatures up to 600°C in the atmospheric condition. Furthermore, by varying structural parameters, such as periodicity or stripe length, we can freely design the resonant wavelength in the mid-IR region. The simulated and experimental results were in reasonable agreement, encouraging us to design and fabricate the optical devices based on this material.