The 82nd JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021

Presentation information

Symposium (Oral)

Symposium » Decommissioning of Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Reactors, and Fukushima's Rehabilitation -What and How We Can Contribute as JSAP Specialists?-

[10p-N301-1~8] Decommissioning of Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Reactors, and Fukushima's Rehabilitation -What and How We Can Contribute as JSAP Specialists?-

Fri. Sep 10, 2021 1:15 PM - 4:15 PM N301 (Oral)

Imaizumi Mitsuru(JAXA), Shin-ichiro Sato(QST)

2:15 PM - 2:45 PM

[10p-N301-4] Development of Radiation Resistant Silicon Carbide Semiconductor Devices

Takeshi Ohshima1, Akinori Takeyama1, Takahiro Makino1, Shin-Ichiro Kuroki2, Yasunori Tanaka3 (1.QST, 2.Hiroshima Univ., 3.AIST)

Keywords:Radiation Effects, Silicon Carbide Semiconductor Devices, Total Ionizing Dose Effect

Semiconductor devices are expected to be applied to electronic devices used in harsh environments, with increasing their performance. For decommissioning of nuclear power plants which is the theme of this symposium, radiation tolerance is indispensable. Radiation resistance of silicon carbide (SiC) electronic devices especially from the point of view of total ionizing dose effect, by which their electrical performances are degraded with increasing radiation dose, will be considered. In addition, the current situation of the development of radiation resistant SiC devices, especially, image sensors, will be introduced.