


4 JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2021 » 4.1 Plasmonics and Nanophotonics

[10p-N404-1~14] 4.1 Plasmonics and Nanophotonics

2021年9月10日(金) 13:00 〜 17:45 N404 (口頭)

Verma Prabhat(阪大)、Smith Nicholas(阪大)

14:45 〜 15:00

[10p-N404-7] Intrinsic circularly polarized H1 photonic crystal cavity modes near exceptional points

〇(P)CheeFai Fong1,2,3、Yasutomo Ota3,4、Yasuhiko Arakawa3、Satoshi Iwamoto3,5,6、Yuichiro Kato1,2 (1.RIKEN, CPR、2.RIKEN, RAP、3.NanoQuine Uni. Tokyo、4.Keio Univ.、5.IIS, Uni. Tokyo、6.RCAST, Uni. Tokyo)

キーワード:photonic crystal, cavity, non-Hermitian

Non-Hermitian systems are open physical systems that could exchange energy with their surrounding environment. In such systems, there are peculiar degeneracies known as exceptional points (EPs) at which both the eigenfrequencies and eigenstates become identical. A broad sense of chirality can also be associated with EPs, for example circular polarization, chiral propagation and chiral geometric phase. As photonic systems are naturally non-Hermitian due to the presence of loss, with gain and/or loss engineering, photonic systems are suitable platforms to investigate the non-Hermitian chiral effects. In this work, we propose a scheme which makes use of non-Hermitian effects in a H1 photonic crystal (PhC) nanocavity to achieve intrinsic chiral cavity modes which are circularly polarized.