


13 半導体 » 13.9 化合物太陽電池

[11a-N204-1~10] 13.9 化合物太陽電池

2021年9月11日(土) 09:30 〜 12:15 N204 (口頭)

渡辺 健太郎(東大)

10:45 〜 11:00

[11a-N204-6] On the Simulation of Two-Step Photocurrent Generation in an InAs Quantum Dot-in-Well Intermediate Band Solar Cell

〇(DC)Yaxing Zhu1、Shigeo Asahi1、Takashi Kita1 (1.Kobe Univ.)

キーワード:intermediate-band solar cell, two-step photocurrent generation, mathematic simulation

For intermediate band solar cells, the realization of high conversion efficiency strongly depends on the carrier two-step excitation process through intermediate levels. In this abstract, we reported on the saturable two-step photocurrent generations in an InAs quantum dot-in-well intermediate band solar cell. A mathematical model is given to reveal the carrier dynamics occurring in the intermediate states under excitations.