


CS コードシェアセッション » 【CS.8】 4.5 Nanocarbon and 2D Materials、17 ナノカーボンのコードシェアセッション

[11p-N405-1~7] CS.8 4.5 Nanocarbon and 2D Materials、17 ナノカーボンのコードシェアセッション

2021年9月11日(土) 13:00 〜 15:30 N405 (口頭)

宮内 雄平(京大)

14:00 〜 14:15

[11p-N405-4] Empirical modeling of broadband complex refractive index spectra of single-chirality-enriched carbon nanotube membranes

Taishi Nishihara1、Akira Takakura1、Masafumi Shimasaki1、Kazunari Matsuda1、Takeshi Tanaka2、Hiromichi Kataura2、Yuhei Miyauchi1 (1.Kyoto University、2.AIST)

キーワード:carbon nanotube, optical properties, exciton

Carbon nanotubes exhibit distinct optical properties, which potentially provides various promising applications including photonic and thermo-optic devices. Although their optical properties strongly depend on their chirality, systematic knowledge on the broadband optical spectra of macroscopic membranes composed of nanotube with single chirality has still been limited. Here, we will report broadband complex refractive index spectra of single-chirality-enriched nanotube membranes from far-infrared to visible regions, and propose their empirical expression, as can be readily used by engineers for optical design.