


CS コードシェアセッション » 【CS.2】 3.3 情報フォトニクス・画像工学、4.4 Information Photonicsのコードシェアセッション

[12a-N404-1~9] CS.2 3.3 情報フォトニクス・画像工学、4.4 Information Photonicsのコードシェアセッション

2021年9月12日(日) 09:00 〜 12:00 N404 (口頭)

熊谷 幸汰(宇都宮大)、遠藤 優(金沢大)

11:15 〜 11:30

[12a-N404-8] Chirped Amplitude-Modulated Phase-Shift Method Based Overall Non-Mechanical 1-D Spectrally Scanned LiDAR

〇(D)Zheyuan Zhang1、Chao Zhang2、Takuma Shirahata1、Shinji Yamashita1、Sze Yun Set1 (1.Univ. Tokyo、2.Shimane Univ.)

キーワード:DIspersion-tuned swept laser, LiDAR, Data processing

In this research, we propose a novel approach that allows the phase-shift measurement of chirped amplitude-modulated signals: the chirped amplitude-modulated phase-shift (CAMPS) method. With this method, we can make use of the advantages of Dispersion-tuning swept lasers (DTSL) and for the first time realize an overall non-mechanical spectrally scanned LiDAR system. An axial ranging RMS error of ~200 μm at a scanning speed of 10 kHz can be achieved with the compensation of the systematic error, which corresponds to a phase resolution of 0.35°.