15:30 〜 15:45
▼ [12p-S203-10] High-Temperature Thermoelectric Figure of Merit of Ba1/3CoO2 Epitaxial Films
キーワード:Layered cobaltite, Thermoelectric, Low thermal conductivity
Thermoelectric materials, which can convert wasted heat exhausted in our daily life into electricity, have become promising candidates to meet the challenges of global energy issues. Layered cobalt oxides such as Na3/4CoO2 and Ca3Co4O9 are attracting increasing attention as potential p-type thermoelectric materials due to their promising thermoelectric properties and environmental compatibility. However, the ZT of layered cobalt oxides is lower compared to heavy metal-based chalcogenides like Bi2Te3 and PbTe, mainly due to their high thermal conductivity. In this regard, we hypothesized that the thermal conductivity of layered cobalt oxides can be reduced by heavier ion substitution. Recently, we found Ba1/3CoO2 films exhibit a high ZT of 0.11 at room temperature, which arouse our interest to investigate the high-temperature performance of them. In this study, we investigated the thermoelectric properties of the Ba1/3CoO2 epitaxial films at elevated temperatures. The films are stable in air with a limitation temperature of up to ~600 °C, which is higher than the thermal stability temperature of Na3/4CoO2 (~350 °C). The power factor of Ba1/3CoO2 films is similar to Na3/4CoO2 films above room temperature with a value of ~1 mW m−1 K−2. The thermal conductivity of Ba1/3CoO2 films at room temperature is ~3 W m−1 K−1, much lower than Na3/4CoO2 films (~5.5 W m−1 K−1), and it greatly decreased to ~1.7 W m−1 K−1 at 573K. As a result, a high ZT of ~0.33 at 573K was achieved, which is the highest among oxide thermoelectric materials.