16:15 〜 16:30
▼ [12p-S302-11] Emergence of Synthetic Rashba Spin–Orbit Coupling in Si Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
キーワード:Spin transport, Silicon, Rashba
Spin–orbit coupling has been playing a significant role in condensed matter physics including spintronics. Materials with large atomic numbers and/or lattice inversion symmetry have been intensively studied as spin–orbit coupled systems. Hence, Si has been out of the spin–orbit coupling study scope because of its small atomic number and lattice inversion symmetry. Here, we focus on Si metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS), where an interplay of a gate-electric field and carrier accumulation at the Si/SiO2 interface can synthetically induce Rashba-type spin–orbit coupling. In this study, we observe spin lifetime anisotropy of propagating spins in n-Si induced by formation of an emergent effective magnetic field due to the Rashba-type spin–orbit coupling, when a gate voltage is applied to the n-Si MOS.