The 82nd JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021

Presentation information

Oral presentation

12 Organic Molecules and Bioelectronics » 12.1 Fabrications and Structure Controls

[13a-N302-1~10] 12.1 Fabrications and Structure Controls

Mon. Sep 13, 2021 9:30 AM - 12:15 PM N302 (Oral)

Ryosuke Matsubara(Shizuoka Univ.), Nobuya Hiroshiba(Osaka Inst. of Tech.)

12:00 PM - 12:15 PM

[13a-N302-10] Fabrication of P3HT fiber by capillarity

Masahito Uetake1, Mizushima Ryoya1, Saitou Satoshi1, Yamauchi Hiroshi1, Tadokoro Takashi1 (1.Tokyodenki Univ.)

Keywords:organic semiconductor

P3HT(Poly3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) has attracted attention as a flexible electronic devices. In addition,P3HT expected aligned molecular orientation by formed thin fiber. However, the ES(Electrospinning) method requires the additional high molecular weight polymer to form the fiber. It is not suitable for semiconductor materials. In this study, we fabricated P3HT fibers without additional materials by capillary made on polyvinyl alcohol.