


12 有機分子・バイオエレクトロニクス » 12.7 医用工学・バイオチップ

[13a-N322-1~13] 12.7 医用工学・バイオチップ

2021年9月13日(月) 09:00 〜 12:30 N322 (口頭)

坂田 利弥(東大)、野田 俊彦(豊橋技科大)

09:15 〜 09:30

[13a-N322-2] Functional Improvements of Optically-powered ID Transmission Node for Internet-of-Things Devices

〇(M1)Reyhan Ramadhan1、Yasufumi Yokoshiki1、Takashi Tokuda1 (1.Tokyo Tech)

キーワード:internet-of-things, hardware description language

To realize the concept of Society 5.0 and a smart society, low-power, miniaturized internet-of-things (IoT) technology is needed. We have proposed optical power transfer-based microelectronic nodes as a solution for future IoT devices. In this work, we present functional improvement works to ID transmission node based on optical power transfer. We designed a 385×386 μm control circuit incorporating digital circuit design using hardware description language (HDL) and utilizing a modular control circuit design with WISHBONE interconnection. Then, we demonstrated the functionality of the circuit using testbench simulation.