09:30 〜 09:45
▲ [13a-N404-2] 750-MHz repetition rate phase-linked Yb-fiber lasers for dual-comb spectroscopy
キーワード:Optical frequency combs, Dual comb spectroscopy, Phase locking
In this work, we demonstrate a dual-comb laser system based on two high repetition rate 750-MHz Yb fiber mode-locked lasers. Two combs are both phase-linked to RF references with at least 10-11 stability. The repetition rate difference between two lasers is around 4 MHz. By combining the outputs of two combs, dual-comb interferogram was observed. In the talk, we will also present phase locking the CW laser to one of comb lines of Comb 1 in order to further reduce the relative phase noise between the two combs. Then we aim to reduce the relative stability of the two combs to < 10-15 level, corresponding to < 10 Hz relative linewidth. In this way, our dual-comb system could be exploited in high-speed dual-comb spectroscopy, benefiting from the relative low noise, large comb mode spacing and repetition rate difference.