09:15 〜 09:30
▼ [13a-N405-2] The ballistic polarization transport in ferroelectric point contacts
キーワード:ferroelectric point conduct, ballistic thermoelectric transport
The transport through nano- to micro-scale small holes or wires is distinct from that in the bulk materials. In the past few decades, e.g., quantization of charge, spin, and heat conductances through metallic, magnetic, and dielectric materials, respectively, has been discovered. However, to the best of our knowledge, the transport through the point contacts made from ferroelectrics – an important material class with many technological applications - has never been studied theoretically and experimentally. Here, we present a scattering-theoretical treatment of polarization and heat transport through a ballistic ferroelectric point contact driven by either electric-field or temperature differences. In particular, we find that the polarization current depends strongly on the relative orientation between the polarization order and the transport direction and can be detected by its sizable stray magnetic field or resulting thermovoltage and Peltier effect. Our work could motivate the study of thermoelectric transport properties in recently emerging two-dimensional ferroelectric van der Waals materials.