


10 スピントロニクス・マグネティクス » 10.1 新物質・新機能創成(作製・評価技術)

[13a-S302-1~11] 10.1 新物質・新機能創成(作製・評価技術)

2021年9月13日(月) 09:00 〜 12:00 S302 (口頭)

桜庭 裕弥(物材機構)、増田 啓介(物材機構)

10:00 〜 10:15

[13a-S302-5] Colossal enhancement of spin-caloritronic unidirectional magnetoresistance in a Weyl ferromagnet at room temperature

〇(D)LIVIO LEIVA1、Simon Granville2、Yao Zhang2、Sergey Dushenko3、Ei Shigematsu1、Ryo Ohshima1、Yuichiro Ando1、Masashi Shiraishi1 (1.Kyoto University、2.V. U. of Wellington、3.NIST)

キーワード:unidirectional magneto resistance, spin-caloritronics, anomalous nernst effect

Unidirectional magnetoresistance (UMR) is a novel spintronic feature in nano-science, which has been intensively studied in hopes of realizing all-electrical magnetization direction detection devices. However, cryogenic temperatures and/or high magnetic fields have been required to achieve noticeable effects. Here, we exploit the high heat-to-charge conversion efficiency of the Heusler alloy Weyl semimetal Co2MnGa to produce a two orders of magnitude enhancement of the room temperature UMR ratio, when compared with conventional ferromagnets. We reveal that Joule-heating-originated vertical thermal gradients, combined with the large anomalous Nernst effect in this topologically-non-trivial material, converge into the manifestation of a strong UMR in nano-scaled wires. Our results open up new horizons of using thermoelectric voltages in novel materials for magnetization direction detection.