The 82nd JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021

Presentation information

Oral presentation

8 Plasma Electronics » 8.4 Plasma life sciences

[13p-N107-1~15] 8.4 Plasma life sciences

Mon. Sep 13, 2021 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM N107 (Oral)

Yoshihisa Ikeda(Ehime University), Shota Sasaki(Tohoku University)

2:45 PM - 3:00 PM

[13p-N107-6] Spatiotemporal Behavior of Temperature on Skin Surface During Plasma Irradiation

〇(M1)Syunya Hashimoto1, Kodai Aoki1, Tatsuru Shirafuji1, Jun-Seok Oh1 (1.Osaka City Univ.)

Keywords:plasma, plasma medicine

In this study, we investigated the cause of the disorder on the skin of nude mice, which was identified in previous studies. In this study, we paid particular attention to heat. In addition to the previous report, in which we visualized the effect of heat, in this report, we report the relationship between the charge and surface temperature and their distribution by plasma using chicken skin. In addition, a comparison with previous studies will be made.