


シンポジウム » 量子マテリアルとTHz-赤外光電場が拓くフォトニクス応用

[16p-Z05-1~9] 量子マテリアルとTHz-赤外光電場が拓くフォトニクス応用

2021年3月16日(火) 13:30 〜 18:00 Z05 (Z05)

片山 郁文(横国大)、芦原 聡(東大)、長尾 忠昭(物材機構)

15:55 〜 16:10

[16p-Z05-6] Investigation of luminescence from a localized plasmon induced by THz-field-driven tunneling electrons

〇(P)Kensuke Kimura1、Yuta Morinaga2、Hiroshi Imada1、Ikufumi Katayama2、Kanta Asakawa2、Katsumasa Yoshioka2、Yousoo Kim1、Jun Takeda1,2 (1.RIEKN SISL、2.Yokohama Nat. Univ.)

キーワード:THz-STM, Scanning Tunneling Luminescence, localized plasmon

THz-STM spectroscopy is a recently emerged technique that can manipulate the motion of electrons with a picosecond timescale by utilizing the electric field of a THz single-cycle pulse and also track the carrier dynamics in various matters. However, although THz-STM is capable of conducting real-time investigations and manipulations of these dynamics, detection of energy dissipations accompanying quantum conversions has so far been impossible since the technique only measures the tunneling electrons. In this work, we combined a photon detection system with THz-STM for understanding and describing the energy dissipation of THz-field-driven electrons, since the photons emitted during the energy dissipations provide fruitful information of the energy dynamics. By utilizing this technique, we successfully detected the radiative decay of a localized plasmon excited by THz-field-driven electrons and clarified mechanistic differences in plasmon excitation between field- and DC-driven electrons.