


15 結晶工学 » 15.3 III-V族エピタキシャル結晶・エピタキシーの基礎

[18a-Z24-1~9] 15.3 III-V族エピタキシャル結晶・エピタキシーの基礎

2021年3月18日(木) 09:00 〜 11:30 Z24 (Z24)

荒井 昌和(宮崎大)、藤川 紗千恵(埼玉大学)

09:45 〜 10:00

[18a-Z24-4] 【注目講演】III-V族ナノワイヤ中の積層欠陥により形成される急峻なヘテロ界面

章 国強1,2、舘野 功太1,2、俵 毅彦1,2、後藤 秀樹1 (1.NTT物性研、2.NTTナノフォトセンタ)


III-V compound semiconductor nanowires have been considered as next-generation building blocks. Atomically-abrupt heterointerfaces, as ideal structures, are quite challenging to be realized in III-V nanowires due to reservoir effect and interface diffusion. Stacking faults, which usually exist in bottom-up-synthesized III-V nanowires, are generally believed to be a kind of plane defect. In this study, we show stacking faults, despite the defect feature, can drive formation of atomically abrupt heterointerfaces in III-V nanowires. Furthermore, we have also clarified the formation mechanism.