


9 応用物性 » 9.3 ナノエレクトロニクス

[19a-Z16-1~7] 9.3 ナノエレクトロニクス

2021年3月19日(金) 10:00 〜 11:45 Z16 (Z16)

大矢 剛嗣(横国大)

10:00 〜 10:15

[19a-Z16-1] Optimization of Pt thickness for heteroepitaxial spherical Au/Pt nanogap electrodes

Ruicong Yu1、Ryo Toyama1、Yutaka Majima1 (1.MSL, Tokyo Tech.)

キーワード:nanogap electrodes

To improve the transfer characteristics of the single molecular transistor (SMT) based on heteroepitaxial spherical (HS-) Au/Pt nanogap electrodes, the arrangement of HS-Au particles grown on the top of the source and drain electrodes within the nanogap must be considered. In this study, comparing with the SEM top-view images of HS-Au/Pt nanogap electrodes with thin and thick Pt deposited thickness, the optimization of the arrangement of HS-Au/Pt nanogap electrodes was discussed for the improvement of the transfer characteristics.