


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.14 光制御デバイス・光ファイバー

[19p-Z05-1~13] 3.14 光制御デバイス・光ファイバー

2021年3月19日(金) 13:30 〜 17:15 Z05 (Z05)

水野 洋輔(横国大)、西山 道子(創価大)、黒田 圭司(北里大)

15:45 〜 16:00

[19p-Z05-9] Measurement error compensation in BOCDR by two-end light injection

Guangtao Zhu1、Kohei Noda1,2、Heeyoung Lee3、Kentaro Nakamura2、Yosuke Mizuno1 (1.YNU、2.Tokyo Tech、3.SIT)

キーワード:optical fiber sensors, distributed strain sensing, Brillouin scattering

To suppress the systematic error caused by the AM-FM phase delay in Brillouin optical correlation-domain reflectometry (BOCDR), we propose a new configuration called two-end light injection. Although BOCDR operates by light injection to a single end of the sensing fiber, in this configuration, we intentionally inject light also to the other end, perform the same distributed measurements in both directions, and combine the obtained results to mitigate the error.