The 83rd JSAP Autumn Meeting 2022

Presentation information

Oral presentation

6 Thin Films and Surfaces » 6.3 Oxide electronics

[20a-B204-1~11] 6.3 Oxide electronics

Tue. Sep 20, 2022 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM B204 (B204)

Taku Suzuki(NIMS)

10:00 AM - 10:15 AM

[20a-B204-5] Redox-Based Ion-Gating Reservoir Using Lithium Solid Electrolyte

Tomoki Wada1,2, Daiki Nishioka1,2, Wataru Namiki1, Takashi Tsuchiya1,2, Tohru Higuchi2, Kazuya Terabe1 (1.NIMS, 2.TUS)

Keywords:Reservoir computing, Redox, Chaos

Recently, due to the rapid social expansion of artificial intelligence technology, massive power consumption is concerned in the future. To solve this problem, reservoir computing, which uses the nonlinear response of materials to efficiently process information, is attracting attention. We have attempted to develop the redox reservoir device by combining a solid electrolyte and a WO3 thin film. In this presentation, we will show the results of the nonlinear dynamic task and chaos analysis using this device, and will introduce its application examples.