The 83rd JSAP Autumn Meeting 2022

Presentation information

Symposium (Oral)

Symposium » Device and material technologies based on wireless and optics convergence toward next-generation THz-communication

[20p-C200-1~11] Device and material technologies based on wireless and optics convergence toward next-generation THz-communication

Tue. Sep 20, 2022 1:30 PM - 6:30 PM C200 (C200)

Satoshi Iwamoto(Univ. of Tokyo), Ikufumi Katayama(Yokohama Natl. Univ.), Kazuhiko Endo(AIST)

4:50 PM - 5:20 PM

[20p-C200-8] Discovery of extremely high refractive index reflectionless metasurfaces for terahertz flat optics

Takehito Suzuki1 (1.TUAT)

Keywords:6G wireless communicatons, Antenna, Metasurface

The strategic proposal on future advanced wireless communications in the terahertz waveband was reported by Center for Research and Development Strategy, Japan Science and Technology (JST) in March 2022. This lecture will present our original metasurfaces with arbitrary control of refractive index, reflectance, and transmittance suitable for integration on terahertz optical sources in 6G wireless communications.