


16 非晶質・微結晶 » 16.1 基礎物性・評価・プロセス・デバイス

[21a-A302-1~8] 16.1 基礎物性・評価・プロセス・デバイス

2022年9月21日(水) 09:00 〜 11:00 A302 (A302)

本間 剛(長岡技科大)、岸 哲生(東工大)

10:45 〜 11:00

[21a-A302-8] Physics-based Modeling of Spatial and Temporal Fluctuations in Disordered Materials and its Applications

〇(D)Katelyn Alyssa Kirchner1、Madoka Ono2,3、John C. Mauro1 (1.Penn State Univ.、2.Hokkaido Univ. RIES、3.ACG Inc.)

キーワード:silica glass, topological fluctuations, disordered materials

Atomic structure dictates the performance of all materials. Physical properties of materials are usually defined by average values. However, the atomic arrangement of glass is disordered, resulting in a local distribution of microscopic physical properties. This deviation from the microscopic average leads to interesting phenomena unique to glass, such as relaxation, phase separation, crystal nucleation, and some of the optical and mechanical performances. This presentation describes physics-based models to quantify spatial and temporal fluctuations, focusing primarily on glassy materials. Such models are then used to improve the fundamental understanding of the physics governing glass-forming systems. More specifically, this presentation will focus on discussing how spatial and temporal fluctuations effect key glass physical properties (e.g., thermodynamic, kinetic, mechanical, and optical) and processes (e.g., relaxation, crystallization, and phase separation) which impact the design of glass. If time allows, applications of those fluctuation-controlled glasses will be introduced.