The 83rd JSAP Autumn Meeting 2022

Presentation information

Oral presentation

3 Optics and Photonics » 3.11 Nanoscale optical science and near-field optics (formerly 3.12)

[21p-A404-1~17] 3.11 Nanoscale optical science and near-field optics (formerly 3.12)

Wed. Sep 21, 2022 1:00 PM - 5:45 PM A404 (A404)

Atsushi Kubo(Univ. of Tsukuba), Haruhiko Ito(Titech), Kazuharu Uchiyama(Univ. of Yamanashi)

5:30 PM - 5:45 PM

[21p-A404-17] Erasure of nano-photoisomerization pahtways in photochromic single crystals

〇(M2)Yuji Arakawa1, Kazuharu Uchiyama1, Yuki Hashimoto2, Kingo Uchida2, Makoto Naruse3, Hirokazu Hori1 (1.Univ. of Yamanashi, 2.Ryukoku Univ., 3.The Univ. of Tokyo)


In order to realize functional devices based on light-matter interactions, we have focused on nano-photoisomerization of photochromic diarylethene molecules in single crystals. In this study, pathways formed by photoisomerization were partially eliminated by UV irradiation, and then pathways were formed again in the same region to evaluate the formation of multiple pathways. We also obtained correlation values for nano-optical structures with specific spatial frequencies to determine the characteristics of forgetting and multiple memory of the memory structures of the photoisomerization pathways.