3:30 PM - 3:45 PM
[21p-C206-8] Performance verification of pnCCD camera for cosmic soft X-ray observation
Keywords:X-ray, CCD, imaging spectroscopy
We are developing a wide field X-ray monitor for HiZ-GUNDAM mission which is the soft X-ray observation satellite to explorer the early Universe. The focal plane detector are required to have a high quantum efficiency from 0.4 to 4keV, large pixel format above 6x6cm2 with 100umx100um of pixel size, a fast frame rate around 100Hz and medium spectral performance at -20°C or higher.
In this study, we focused on pn-type CCD (pnCCD) as a focal plane detector of the wide field X-ray monitor to realize the detector requirement.
A photon counting measurement are performed using a small size pnCCD sensor of 264x264 of pixel format with 48umx48um of pixel size as a test device. As a results, we evaluated a basic spectroscopic performance resulting the energy resolution of 212eV at 5.9keV for both of single-pixel event and multiple-pixel event at -20°C.
In this study, we focused on pn-type CCD (pnCCD) as a focal plane detector of the wide field X-ray monitor to realize the detector requirement.
A photon counting measurement are performed using a small size pnCCD sensor of 264x264 of pixel format with 48umx48um of pixel size as a test device. As a results, we evaluated a basic spectroscopic performance resulting the energy resolution of 212eV at 5.9keV for both of single-pixel event and multiple-pixel event at -20°C.