


2 放射線 » 2 放射線(ポスター)

[21p-P14-1~16] 2 放射線(ポスター)

2022年9月21日(水) 16:00 〜 18:00 P14 (体育館)

16:00 〜 18:00

[21p-P14-13] Mili-second 4D X-ray tomography using a multibeam X-ray imaging system

Xiaoyu Liang1、Wolfgang Voegeli2、Etsuo Arakawa2、Koh Hashimoto3、Kentaro Kajiwara4、Katsuya Fujii5、Hiroyuki Kudo5、Tadashi Abukawa1,6、Wataru Yashiro1,6,7 (1.IMRAM, Tohoku Univ.、2.Tokyo Gakugei Univ.、3.Tohoku Univ. Kn. Ca.、4.JASIR、5.Univ. of Tsukuba、6.SRIS, Tohoku Univ.、7.Univ. of Tokyo)

キーワード:X-ray imaging, 4D tomography

Recently, we developed a new 4D X-ray characterization technique based on the multibeam X-ray imaging system. Thirty-two incident X-ray beams in a wide angular range of around ±73 were created by four Si crystals located on three confocal hyperbolic benders with different focal distances. And all the beams were captured simultaneously by lens-coupling detector systems. The CT was reconstructed by the standard Filtered Backprojection (FBP).
In this presentation, we report the developed high-speed 4D X-ray tomography technique. A dynamic process of bending the tungsten wire was reconstructed successfully with a temporal resolution of 1 ms. It is not necessary to rotate the sample, X-ray source, or detector at a high speed. We believe the in-situ and in-vivo measurement of the high-speed dynamic phenomenon and the unrepeatable process can be conducted such as living beings’ behaviors, the fluid motion, the deformation and fracture behaviors in the material science, and so on.