10:00 〜 10:15
▼ [22a-C302-3] Improvement of Squeezing using a Spatial Phase Modulator and Machine Learning
キーワード:Squeezing, SLM, Machine Learning
Quantum squeezed light is an important resource for quantum information processing using continuous variables. When pulsed light is used as a light source to generate squeezed light, sequential information processing can naturally be executed because a single pulse can be regarded as a single mode. In addition, using an optical waveguide as a nonlinear medium not only suppresses the gain induced diffraction but also leads to photonic integration in future.
To achieve high squeezing levels, it is necessary to improve the temporal and spatial mode matching between the squeezed light and the local oscillator (LO) used in homodyne measurements. Improvement of spatial mode matching has remained as a challenge for the case of pulsed single-path amplification in which the bandwidth of squeezing is wide.
In the present paper, we report on improvement of squeezing levels by introducing a spatial phase modulator (SLM) and controlling the spatial mode of the LO. We used machine learning to find parameters for SLM. We measured squeezing level of -5.87 dB. This is the highest value for a pulsed light source, updating the value recorded in 1994.
To achieve high squeezing levels, it is necessary to improve the temporal and spatial mode matching between the squeezed light and the local oscillator (LO) used in homodyne measurements. Improvement of spatial mode matching has remained as a challenge for the case of pulsed single-path amplification in which the bandwidth of squeezing is wide.
In the present paper, we report on improvement of squeezing levels by introducing a spatial phase modulator (SLM) and controlling the spatial mode of the LO. We used machine learning to find parameters for SLM. We measured squeezing level of -5.87 dB. This is the highest value for a pulsed light source, updating the value recorded in 1994.