


2 放射線 » 2.4 医用応用

[22p-A102-1~17] 2.4 医用応用

2022年9月22日(木) 13:00 〜 17:45 A102 (A102)

村石 浩(北里大)、高橋 美和子(量研機構)

15:45 〜 16:00

[22p-A102-11] Feasibility study of chemical separation technique of medical radioisotope, copper-64 produced by accelerator neutrons.

〇(D)Mary Mikhail1、Tadahiro Kin1、Kihara Takahiro1 (1.Kyushu Univ.)

キーワード:Theranostics, Copper-64

Diagnosis and therapy are two techniques that use medical radioisotopes (RIs) for cancer therapy. Recently, theranostics, a new technical term for a combination of diagnosis and therapy, is a step toward personalized treatment essential for patient selection, reducing side effects, and enhancing therapeutic effects. Moreover, radioimmunotherapy uses mAbs (monoclonal antibodies) as “magic bullets” to deliver the RI to the targeted cancerous cells. Copper-64 is a strong candidate for both techniques. This research work focuses on the separation techniques of copper isotopes to achieve a high purity efficient sample for pre-clinical studies. In this experiment, the ion-exchange chromatography technique is proposed to separate the radioactive copper. The technique was tested by a cold experiment. The ICP-AES data show that by applying this proposed technique, the copper was retained in the column during the separation procedure, and finally, the copper was extracted with no zinc impurities. This technique yields a high purity copper sample obtained in a short experimental time.