3:15 PM - 3:30 PM
[22p-A102-9] Apprication of a Standard Performance Evaluation Method for Medical Compton Cameras against an Semicondactor Compotn Camera
Keywords:Compton camera, performance assessment, standardization
Compton camera is attracting attention as a new modality for nuclear medicine following PET and SPECT, and various researches are conducted. To be used in clinical practice, the performance such as image quality and quantitative accuracy sufficient for diagnosis within a limited imaging time. In PET and SPECT, standard performance evaluation methods have been established, and the performance characteristics of each device can be compared. In Compton imaging as well, we have been regulating an evaluation methods for energy resolution, sensitivity, and imaging performance (resolution, contrast, and noise) as standard performance evaluation methods for medical Compton cameras. Gunma University has been conducting research on a semiconductor Compton camera (ASTROCAM) using a Si/CdTe semiconductor detectors. In this presentation, we will report the results of the performance evaluation conducted in accordance with the evaluation method specified in this regulation.