


16 非晶質・微結晶 » 16.1 基礎物性・評価・プロセス・デバイス

[22p-A301-1~15] 16.1 基礎物性・評価・プロセス・デバイス

2022年9月22日(木) 13:30 〜 17:45 A301 (A301)

中岡 俊裕(上智大)、須藤 祐司(東北大院)、牧野 孝太郎(産総研)

13:30 〜 13:45

[22p-A301-1] [Young Scientist Presentation Award Speech] New Operating Principle: Contact Resistance Change Memory

Yi Shuang1、Yuji Sutou1,2 (1.Tohoku Univ. (AIMR)、2.Tohoku Univ, (Eng))

キーワード:Phase change material, Phase change memory, Contact resistance

Traditional phase change materials (PCMs) such as Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST) can show as high as 105 resistance reduction upon phase transition.Tthe amorphous and cubic-phase of GST exhibited p-type semiconducting behavior, while the hexagonal phase of GST was a degenerated a p-type semiconductor showing a metallic conduction behavior at room temperature. In a practical memory cell, to increase the storage density and enable the integration of the logic circuit, the memory cells are usually required to be scaled in ~nm order. In nm-sized cells, the contact resistance between PCM and metal electrode becomes a dominant resistance component in the whole cell. Consequently, the contact resistance significantly influences high read accuracy and heat efficiency of the nm-sized memory cell compared to the bulk PCMs themselves. In this study, we proposed a new phase change memory operating principle relying on the contact resistance change of a PCM.