


22 合同セッションM 「フォノンエンジニアリング」 » 22.1 合同セッションM 「フォノンエンジニアリング」

[22p-C102-1~16] 22.1 合同セッションM 「フォノンエンジニアリング」

2022年9月22日(木) 13:30 〜 18:00 C102 (C102)

中村 芳明(阪大)、馬場 寿夫(JST)、柳 和宏(首都大)

16:00 〜 16:15

[22p-C102-10] Length-dependent Surface Phonon-Polaritons thermal conduction up to 500K

〇(P)Yunhui WU1、Jose ORDONEZ-MIRANDA1,2、Laurent JALABERT1,2、Roman ANUFRIEV1、Sebastian VOLZ1,2、Masahiro NOMURA1,2 (1.IIS Univ. of Tokyo、2.LIMMS Univ. of Tokyo)

キーワード:thin film, 3 omega, thermal conductivity

Efficient heat dissipation in micro/nano-electronics requires long-distance propagation of heat carriers operated above room temperature. However, thermal phonons, the primary heat carriers in dielectric materials, dissipate the thermal energy after just a few hundred nanometers. As novel heat carriers, surface phonon polaritons (SPhPs) generated from the hybridization of the optical phonons and the photons and propagates quasi-ballistically in the range of hundreds of micrometers. Here, we conduct a 3ω measurement of SiN suspended submicron films to investigate the length-dependent transport by SPhPs. Moreover, we demonstrated solid 3ω measurement up to 500 K in nanofilms.