3:30 PM - 3:45 PM
△ [22p-C202-10] Hydrophilicity Evaluation of Low Refractive Index SiO2 Optical Thin Films by Electron Beam and Sputtering Evaporation part4
Keywords:optical thin film, hydrophilicity
We have developed a combination coating method in which DC pulse sputtering and EB deposition are operated simultaneously in the same vacuum chamber, and have succeeded in producing SiO2 optical thin films with low refractive index. Ordinary SiO2-coated glass is hydrophilic immediately after deposition, but becomes hydrophobic in about one week. In contrast, the combination coating method maintains the hydrophilic property even after one year from the deposition. The purpose of this study is to elucidate and evaluate the mechanism of the persistence of the hydrophilic function of the low refractive index SiO2 optical thin films.