The 83rd JSAP Autumn Meeting 2022

Presentation information

Oral presentation

6 Thin Films and Surfaces » 6.4 Thin films and New materials

[22p-C202-1~12] 6.4 Thin films and New materials

Thu. Sep 22, 2022 1:00 PM - 4:15 PM C202 (C202)

Hiroaki Nishikawa(Kindai Univ.), Yuji Matsumoto(Tohoku Univ.)

3:15 PM - 3:30 PM

[22p-C202-9] Effect of Sputtering in TiO2 Thin Film deposited by Combination Coating Method

〇(M1)Kosuke Endo1, Hiroshi Murotani1, Takayaki Matsudaira2 (1.Tokai Univ., 2.SHINCRON co.,Ltd)

Keywords:optical thin film, titanium oxide

In this laboratory, we have developed combination coating method in which the EB deposition and DC pulse sputtering methods are installed in the same vacuum vessel and operated simultaneously. In a previous study, we succeeded in reducing the refractive index of SiO2, MgF2, and Al2O3 optical thin films by this method, but it was suggested that crystalline films may be more difficult to reduce the refractive index. To investigate this possibility, we would like to deposit TiO2 films, which can be both amorphous and crystalline, using this method. As a basic study, we investigated the effect of sputtering on TiO2 thin film in this method.