The 83rd JSAP Autumn Meeting 2022

Presentation information

Oral presentation

CS Code-sharing session » 【CS.9】 Code-sharing Session of 8.3 & 9.2 & 13.6

[23a-B102-1~9] CS.9 Code-sharing Session of 8.3 & 9.2 & 13.6

Fri. Sep 23, 2022 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM B102 (B102)

Shinya Kano(AIST), Yukihiro Harada(Kobe Univ.), Koji Ishibashi(RIKEN)

9:15 AM - 9:30 AM

[23a-B102-2] Hollow Beam Generation from GaAs/InGaAs/GaAs Core-multishell Nanowire Cavity

〇(M2)Taiga Kunimoto1,2, Shinjiro Hara1,2, Junichi Motohisa1,2 (1.Hokkaido Univ., 2.RCIQE)

Keywords:semiconductor, nanowire, vector beam

We characterized the beam profiles and polarization states in low-temperature photoluminescence from a GaAs/InGaAs/GaAs core-multishell nanowire (NW) under CW and pulsed excitations. In the beam profile observation under pulsed excitation, we observed a doughnut-shaped intensity distribution. The beam was also shown to exhibit an axisymmetric distribution in the polarization. These observations indicate that vector beams are generated from the NW. Observed polarization do not correspond to low-order modes of vector beams, suggesting the presence of complicated polarized states reflecting the cavity modes in NWs.