


12 有機分子・バイオエレクトロニクス » 12.5 有機太陽電池

[23a-B103-1~12] 12.5 有機太陽電池

2022年9月23日(金) 09:00 〜 12:15 B103 (B103)

佐伯 昭紀(阪大)、五月女 真人(東大)

10:45 〜 11:00

[23a-B103-7] Elucidating the reason behind the low efficiency of n-i-p based tin perovskite solar cells

〇(PC)Ajay Kumar Baranwal1、Tomohide Yabuki2、Qing Shen1、Koji Miyazaki2、Shuzi Hayase1 (1.Electro-Comm. Univ.、2.Kyushu Inst Tech.)

キーワード:Tin halide perovskite, Poor rectification behaviour, n-i-p

Ecofriendly Tin halide perovskites (THP) have attractive optoelectronic properties similar to toxic lead halide perovskites (LHP). The photoconversion efficiency (PCE) of THP based solar cells have reached around 14% to date. However, such high efficiency in THP solar cells are obtained in the p-i-n structure only. Also, most of the research work on THP solar cells is limited to p-i-n structure only. In general, THP solar cells in n-i-p structure showed short circuits or poor diode rectifying behavior leading to poor PCE. This can be differentiated as THP ink is coated on the metal oxide layer in the n-i-p structure, and perovskite ink is coated on an organic layer in the p-i-n structure. Contrary to this, LHP solar cells achieved excellent PCE in both structures.
The electronic behavior of CsSnI3 film coated on various inorganic films was studied under dark conditions inside the glove box filled with N2. The obtained variation in electrical conductivity illustrates that underneath the inorganic metal oxide layer can affect the electronic performance of top coated THP layers. We studied the reason behind this high electrical conductivity using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and found the THP is oxidized to form Sn(IV). As a result, such formed Sn(IV) might be responsible for poor solar cell performance in n-i-p structure THP solar cells. However, the reason behind this Sn(IV) formation is not yet clear. Such high electrical conducting films have better performance in converting thermal energy into electrical energy and may find application in thermoelectric applications. In this conference, we will discuss the reason behind the formation of high Sn(IV) using Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy and further discuss the prospect of such films in thermal energy conversion.