


4 JSAP-Optica-SPP Joint Symposia 2022 » 4.3 Lasers and laser materials processing

[23p-C205-1~11] 4.3 Lasers and laser materials processing

2022年9月23日(金) 13:15 〜 17:00 C205 (C205)

中村 大輔(九大)、伊藤 佑介(東大)

16:00 〜 16:15

[23p-C205-9] Refractive index and aberration measurement of the hydrogel biomaterials for artificial cornea and intraocular lens

〇(M2C)Yu-Chi Ma1、Chia-Yu Chang1、Jia-Han Li1 (1.National Taiwan Univ.)

キーワード:optical property analysis, artificial cornea, intraolcular lens

The hydrogel biomaterial is a type of soft hydrogel material with biocompatibility. However, the optical properties may be different after the hydrogel biomaterial shape change during fabrications. To measure the optical properties of hydrogel biomaterial with designed shape, the wavefront aberrations are measured to evaluate the optical performance of the samples and the refractive index of hydrogel biomaterial with specific shape can be analyzed. The experiment results show that the aberrations and refractive index of the artificial cornea samples would be analyzed through the Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor system. The optical properties evaluation of artificial corneas could refer to these results. For applying the complex design surface of the intraocular lens, the analysis method needs to concern about the shape parameter of the samples and is expected to be the reference to optimize the intraocular lens design. Based on the analyzed optical performance, they can be used to design of the artificial cornea or intraocular lens with optimized performances.