The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022

Presentation information

Oral presentation

FS Focused Session "AI Electronics" » FS.1 Focused Session "AI Electronics"

[22a-E102-1~8] FS.1 Focused Session "AI Electronics"

Tue. Mar 22, 2022 9:00 AM - 11:15 AM E102 (E102)

Mutsumi Kimura(Ryukoku Univ.)

9:45 AM - 10:00 AM

[22a-E102-4] Development of quantization YOLO model and WER tolerance evaluation for VC-MRAM implementation

〇(P)YOENGJYE YEOH1, Hakaru Tamukoh1, Osamu Nomura1, Hiroko Arai2, Hiroshi Imamura2, Takashi Morie1 (1.Kyushu Inst. Tech, 2.AIST)


This paper present a quantized YOLO model and the evaluation of write-error rate (WER) tolerance for VC-MRAM. As the result of this paper, we achieved the implementation of YOLO model with 4-bit fixed point operation. The mean average precision (mAP) achieved at 70.71% without noise, and 69.08% when WER equal to 10^-3.