


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.14 光制御デバイス・光ファイバー

[23p-P02-1~3] 3.14 光制御デバイス・光ファイバー

2022年3月23日(水) 13:30 〜 15:30 P02 (ポスター)

13:30 〜 15:30

[23p-P02-3] Measurement of depolarized guided acoustic-wave Brillouin scattering of Hi1060 fiber

〇(D)Zihao Zhao1、Lei Jin1、Sze Yun Set1、Shinji Yamashita1 (1.The Univ. of Tokyo)

キーワード:guided acoustic-wave Brillouin scattering

Fiber can induce modulation to the transmitted light via guided acoustic-wave Brillouin scattering (GAWBS). This imposes challenge for quantum optical experiments in optical fiber and digital coherent transmission systems. On the other hand, harmonic mode-locking has been demonstrated to take the advantage of GAWBS for stabilization. GAWBS spectrum is decided by the geometrical and mechanical property of optical fiber. In this work, we firstly present our measurement results of depolarized GAWBS spectrum of Hi1060 fiber, which is often used in 1 um optical systems.