


9 応用物性 » 9.4 熱電変換

[24a-E205-1~11] 9.4 熱電変換

2022年3月24日(木) 09:00 〜 12:00 E205 (E205)

都甲 薫(筑波大)、中村 芳明(阪大)

10:00 〜 10:15

[24a-E205-5] Optimization of Co addition amount to enhance thermoelectric properties of β-FeSi2

〇(D)Sopheap Sam1、Genki Kashika1、Hiroshi Nakatsugawa1、Yoichi Okamoto2 (1.Yokohama National Univ.、2.National Defense Academy)

キーワード:Thermoelectric properties, Silicides, ZT value

In this work, the improvement of thermoelectric performance of β-FeSi2 by modifying scattering mechanism with impurity doping namely Co has been investigated. In β-Fe1-xCoxSi2 (0≤x≤0.06), the optimum level is obtained in x=0.03 sample with the optimum carrier concentration about 1.0(4)×1020 cm-3, where the highest ZT is about 0.087 at 670K owing to the significant enhancement in power factor.