The 69th JSAP Spring Meeting 2022

Presentation information

Oral presentation

CS Code-sharing session » 【CS.8】 Code-sharing Session of 12.6 & 12.7

[24p-E104-1~16] CS.8 Code-sharing Session of 12.6 & 12.7

Thu. Mar 24, 2022 1:00 PM - 5:45 PM E104 (E104)

Koichiro Miyamoto(Tohoku Univ.), Makusu Tsutsui(Osaka Univ.), Keiko Tawa(Kwansei Gakuin Univ.)

3:45 PM - 4:00 PM

[24p-E104-10] Development of amino acid analysis by single molecule detection method with nanogap devices

〇Takahito Ohshiro1, Yuki Komoto1, Taniguchi Masateru1 (1.Osaka University)

Keywords:single-molecule detection, Tunnel-Current, amino acid

Single-molecule quantum measurements using a nanogap electrode device were used to obtain conductance-time profile signal for single amino acid molecules including their L- and D-form molecules. The obtained electrical signals reflect the characteristic electrical conductivity of the translocation/interaction behaviors between the gap electrodes. By using our machine learning based on these signals, we succeeded in the discrimination of amino acid species with high discrimination ability. In addition, we have also succeeded in discriminating these amino acid species in a mixed solution of amino acid by this developped method.