15:45 〜 16:00
▲ [25p-D316-11] Ultrafast control of the valley and spin polarization in Transition-metal dichalcogenides
キーワード:Nonlinear optics, Spin-orbit coupling, Valleytronics
Very short valley lifetimes (~103–106 femtoseconds (fs)) demand the ultrafast control of valley selection on fs time scale. In this work, we explore the possibility to induce valley asymmetry by single-cycle linearly polarized laser pulse in WSe2 monolayer. The carrier-envelope phase (CEP) is the key factor to induce valley polarization by a linearly polarized single-cycle laser pulse. Our systematic study reveals that no valley asymmetry, as well as no CEP dependence, is observed in the linear-optics limit. Remarkably, linearly polarized pulse not only induces a high degree of valley polarization but also this valley polarization is robust against the field strength in the nonlinear-optics regime. Charge dynamics in the strong-field regime show quantum interference that gives rise to distinct node formation. Most importantly, we can control the position of the carrier density in the Brillouin zone by the CEP and laser intensity.