


21 合同セッションK「ワイドギャップ酸化物半導体材料・デバイス」 » 21.1 合同セッションK 「ワイドギャップ酸化物半導体材料・デバイス」

[25p-E202-1~15] 21.1 合同セッションK 「ワイドギャップ酸化物半導体材料・デバイス」

2022年3月25日(金) 13:30 〜 17:30 E202 (E202)

富樫 理恵(上智大)、曲 勇作(島根大)

16:00 〜 16:15

[25p-E202-10] Line-Shaped Surface Defect−Origin of Reverse Leakage Current in HVPE (001) β-Ga2O3 SBDs Identified by High Sensitive Emission Microscope

〇(D)Sayleap Sdoeung1、Islam Chaman1、Satoshi Masuya2、Kohei Sasaki2、Akito Kuramata2、Makoto Kasu1 (1.Saga Univ.、2.Novel Crystal Technology)

キーワード:b-Ga2O3, crystal defects, Schottky barrier diode

β-gallium oxide (β-Ga2O3) exhibits an ultrawide bandgap (4.8 eV) and a high breakdown field (8 MV/cm). Therefore, β-Ga2O3 is very promising for high-efficiency power devices. In addition, owing to its high growth rate, low-cost single-crystal β-Ga2O3 substrates can be synthesized readily using various melt growth techniques. In the previous study, we observed polycrystalline defects and stacking faults as killer defects. Therefore, In this study, for the commercialization of HVPE (001) β-Ga2O3 SBDs, we further investigate the killer defects that are responsible for the reverse leakage current in HVPE (001) β-Ga2O3 SBDs via ultrahigh-sensitivity emission microscopy.