


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.8 光計測技術・機器

[26p-E302-1~13] 3.8 光計測技術・機器

2022年3月26日(土) 13:30 〜 17:00 E302 (E302)

染川 智弘(レーザー総研)、小山 勇也(千葉工大)

14:30 〜 14:45

[26p-E302-5] 1550nm All-Fiber Coherent Doppler LiDAR

〇(M2)Wolfe David Sean1、Takuma Shirahata1、Sze Yun Set1、Shinji Yamashita1 (1.RCAST Univ. of Tokyo)

キーワード:lidar, optical sensor, instrumentation

In this presentation we discuss current progress on an all-fiber Coherent Doppler LiDAR (CDL) for ranging and velocimetry. In the end, a CDL able of producing accurate distance and velocity measurements near 100m is confirmed through live experiments through the use of optical delay lines and a moving target. The CDL was fabricated at the Yamashita-Set lab at The University of Tokyo under RCAST.