


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.10 フォトニック構造・現象(旧3.11)

[15a-A501-1~6] 3.10 フォトニック構造・現象(旧3.11)

2023年3月15日(水) 10:30 〜 12:00 A501 (6号館)

太田 泰友(慶大)

11:00 〜 11:15

[15a-A501-3] Inverse Design of High-Q SiN Photonic Crystal Cavities

〇(B)Peter Aubrey Heidt1、Masato Takiguchi1,2、Hisashi Sumikura1,2、Akihiko Shinya1,2、Masaya Notomi1,2,3 (1.NTT BRL、2.NTT Nanophotonics、3.Tokyo Tech)

キーワード:silicon nitride, quality factor, inverse design

In this work, we use Legume and a novel implementation of finite element method (FEM) with parallel simplex algorithm (PSA) to inversely design a series of Lx-type SiN PhC cavities, and present the first ever Lx-type cavity in SiN (n = 2.0) with Q greater than one million. This record Q exceeds the highest previously reported Q in a SiN Lx-type PhC cavity by 2 orders of magnitude with 30% smaller mode volume (V).