The 70th JSAP Spring Meeting 2023

Presentation information

Oral presentation

6 Thin Films and Surfaces » 6.3 Oxide electronics

[15p-A409-1~11] 6.3 Oxide electronics

Wed. Mar 15, 2023 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM A409 (Building No. 6)

Kazunori Ueno(Univ. of Tokyo)

3:00 PM - 3:15 PM

[15p-A409-8] Anomalous Hall effect at a pyrochlore interface of magnetic insulator/nonmagnetic metal

Yoshisuke Ohnishi1, Takahiro Fujita1, Masashi Kawasaki1,2 (1.The Univ. of Tokyo, 2.RIKEN CEMS)

Keywords:hetero, anomalous Hall, pyrochlore

Non-coplanar spin configurations have attracted attention as a platform to generate the topological Hall effect because they produce an effective magnetic field due to Berry phase mechanism. Pyrochlore oxide Dy2Ti2O7 is known to be a prototypical classical “spin-ice” compound that exhibits a non-coplanar spin configuration. Additionally, a metamagnetic transition has been reported below 2 K by applying a magnetic field along [111] direction. In this study, we attempt to observe magnetotransport properties reflecting the non-coplanar spin structure and its transition in Dy2Ti2O7. Because Dy2Ti2O7 is electrically insulating, we prepare a hetero-interface structure of Dy2Ti2O7 and a paramagnetic metal Pb2Ru2O6.5, wherein the effective magnetic field of Dy2Ti2O7 layer can induce emergent magnetotransport properties in Pb2Ru2O6.5 layer. We observe conventional and unconventional anomalous Hall effect seemingly relates with the magnetic transition of Dy2Ti2O7, both of which are absent in Pb2Ru2O6.5 alone and thus plausibly from the non-coplanar spin structure of Dy2Ti2O7.