


6 薄膜・表面 » 6.2 カーボン系薄膜

[16p-A408-1~18] 6.2 カーボン系薄膜

2023年3月16日(木) 13:00 〜 17:45 A408 (6号館)

阿部 浩之(量研機構)、藤原 正澄(岡山大)、加藤 宙光(産総研)、水落 憲和(京大)

17:00 〜 17:15

[16p-A408-16] Temperature Sensing Based on Germanium-vacancy in Detonation Nanodiamond

〇(M2)haining FU1、masanori FUJIWARA1、izuru OHKI1,2、ming LIU3、akihiko TSURUI3、taro YOSHIKAWA3、yuto MAKINO3、masahiro NISHIKAWA3、norikazu MIZUOCHI1,4 (1.ICR, Kyoto Univ.、2.QST、3.Daicel.Corp.、4.CSRN, Kyoto Univ.)

キーワード:nanodiamond, temperature sensing, germanium-vacancy center

Group IV color centers such as silicon-vacancy center (SiV) and germanium-vacancy center (GeV) in nanodiamonds (NDs) are promising candidates for all-optical nanoscale temperature sensing for their excellent quantum efficiency. A challenge is that NDs size should be smaller than 30 nm for live-cell application. This motivated small size NDs synthesis method development such as detonation method. After temperature sensing success by SiV-containing detonation NDs (SiV-DNDs), it catches our interests that detonation synthesis of GeV-containing detonation NDs (GeV-DNDs) recently succeed. In current study, we focus on temperature sensing with GeV-DNDs. Linear response to temperature is confirmed by peak wavelength shift amount changes to temperature. In the average NDs size 20nm group, a sub-Kelvin temperature change can be measured in 10 seconds. GeV-DNDs and SiV-DNDs will pave the road to multi-color imaging application and local temperature measurements of live-cell organelles.