


11 超伝導 » 11.2 薄膜,厚膜,テープ作製プロセスおよび結晶成長

[16p-D221-1~11] 11.2 薄膜,厚膜,テープ作製プロセスおよび結晶成長

2023年3月16日(木) 14:00 〜 17:15 D221 (11号館)

尾崎 壽紀(関西学院大)、一野 祐亮(愛工大)、元木 貴則(青学大)

14:00 〜 14:15

[16p-D221-1] Observation of superconducting transition in MTO/STO heteroepitaxial multilayer films

Alok Kumar Jha1、Kaname Matsumoto1、Sota Fujimoto1、Tomoya Horide1、Masaki Mito1、Ataru Ichinose2 (1.Kyushu Instt. Tech.、2.CRIEPI)

キーワード:Superconductor, Thin film, Novel material

In the present study, the multilayer structures of spinel-type oxides containing transition metals are investigated. We studied the electrical transport properties of spinel MgTi2O4/SrTiO3 multilayer thin films with varying layer thickness and observed the appearance of superconducting transition with varying onset temperatures depending upon the layer thickness. In one of the multilayer films, the onset of superconducting transition temperature is as high as 50 K which is also confirmed from the ac magnetization measurement. The superconductivity in these multilayer films is attributed to the phase transition in these multilayer thin films which is suppressed by the epitaxial strain induced and transferred from one layer to another.