The 70th JSAP Spring Meeting 2023

Presentation information

Oral presentation

10 Spintronics and Magnetics » 10.2 Fundamental and exploratory device technologies for spin

[16p-D419-1~18] 10.2 Fundamental and exploratory device technologies for spin

Thu. Mar 16, 2023 1:30 PM - 6:30 PM D419 (Building No. 11)

Kihiro Yamada(Tokyo Tech.), Weinan Zhou(NIMS), Takumi Yamazaki(Tohoku Univ.)

2:45 PM - 3:00 PM

[16p-D419-6] Control of magnetization damping in ultrathin Co25Fe75 film via the change of interfacial magnetic anisotropy at the capping layer/FM layer interface

〇(D)Shugo Yoshii1,2, Manuel Muller3, Ryo Ohshima1,2, Matthias Althammer3, Hans Huebl3, Masashi Shiraishi1,2 (1.Kyoto Univ., 2.CSRN, Kyoto Univ., 3.Walther-Meissner-Institute)

Keywords:magnetization dynamics, magnetization damping, magnon

Since Co25Fe75 has been reported to have low magnon damping comparable to that of Y3Fe5O12 (YIG), Co25Fe75 has been widely studied as a media with low magnon damping like YIG. Gilbert damping constant α, which expresses the magnetization damping, in ferromagnetic film (FM) is expressed by the following equation with the FM thickness (tFM) dependence: α = αint + αSPtFM−1 + βTMStFM−2, where αint, αSP and βTMS are intrinsic contribution, spin pumping contribution and two-magnon scattering (TMS) contribution, respectively. The large modulation ratio of magnetization damping in ultrathin Co25Fe75 film with low magnetization damping can be expected via the modulation of surface magnetic anisotropy (SMA) since the TMS contribution is proportional to the square of SMA field. The SMA in the FM film is well known to be modulated by changing the buffer layer and capping layer of FM film [4]. In this study, we aimed to modulate the magnetization damping via the control of SMA field by changing MgO capping layer thickness.