


10 スピントロニクス・マグネティクス » 10.4 半導体・トポロジカル・超伝導・強相関スピントロニクス

[16p-D704-1~18] 10.4 半導体・トポロジカル・超伝導・強相関スピントロニクス

2023年3月16日(木) 13:30 〜 18:30 D704 (11号館)

福島 鉄也(東大)、名和 憲嗣(三重大)、小林 正起(東大)

17:00 〜 17:15

[16p-D704-13] Nanofabrication of Sn-based superconductor / topological Dirac semimetal planar heterostructures

Keita Ishihara1、Le Duc Anh1,2,3、Tomoki Hotta1、Kohdai Inagaki1、Masaki Kobayashi1,3、Masaaki Tanaka1,3 (1.Graduate School of Electrical Engineering and Information System, The University of Tokyo、2.PRESTO, JST、3.Center for Spintronics Research Network)

キーワード:Dirac semimetal, Superconductor

Heterostructures of superconductor/topological materials attract attention as a platform of unconventional superconductivity. Among various topological material candidates, α-Sn is attractive because it can exhibit a wide range of topological phases from topological Dirac semimetal to topological insulator . Moreover, upon heating α-Sn undergoes a phase transition to β-Sn, which becomes superconducting at low temperature (< 4 K). We grew epitaxial 40 nm-thick α-Sn thin films with diamond-type crystal structure grown on InSb (001) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). By focusing the ion beam, we successfully fabricated β-Sn nanowire with width t = 180 nm. We found that the β-Sn nanowires of various t exhibit superconductivity below 4 K and the critical temperature depends on t. The microscopic structures of the β-Sn/α-Sn were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy, indicating the formation of β-Sn areas and good β-Sn/α-Sn interfaces inside the α-Sn thin films due to local heating.