


10 スピントロニクス・マグネティクス » 10.4 半導体・トポロジカル・超伝導・強相関スピントロニクス

[16p-D704-1~18] 10.4 半導体・トポロジカル・超伝導・強相関スピントロニクス

2023年3月16日(木) 13:30 〜 18:30 D704 (11号館)

福島 鉄也(東大)、名和 憲嗣(三重大)、小林 正起(東大)

13:45 〜 14:00

[16p-D704-2] Proposal of electron spin wave filter in semiconductor two-dimensional electron gas

〇(M1)Keito Kikuchi1、Kai Nakajima1、Shutaro Karube1、Chaoliang Zhang2、Makoto Kohda1,3,4,5 (1.Grad. Sch. of Eng., Tohoku Univ.、2.FRIS, Tohoku Univ.、3.CSIS, Tohoku Univ.、4.FRiD, Tohoku Univ.、5.QUARC, QST)

キーワード:Persistent spin helix, Spin wave filter, Electron spin waves

Electron spin waves (ESWs), a spatial spin texture induced by a persistent spin helix (PSH) symmetry, are attractive as new information carriers to utilize wave properties in semiconductors. These ESWs would be useful for simultaneous information processing if we could realize multiplexing, transferring, and filtering the ESWs. Especially the filtering technique is much important for performing logic operations using the ESWs. So, in this study, we employ Monte-Carlo (MC) simulation to demonstrate the ESW filter on semiconductor two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG). The stable wavenumber of ESW is known to be q0=±2(α+β)m*/(h/2π)2. Since the relaxation rate increases in proportion to q2 as the wavenumber q increased from q0, the ESW with a wavenumber close to q0=±0.59 (1/μm) has only remained. This means that any electron spin wavelength can be filtered by adjusting the effective spin-orbit field through the gate control to modulate the Rashba parameter in an actual system.