


10 スピントロニクス・マグネティクス » 10.4 半導体・トポロジカル・超伝導・強相関スピントロニクス

[16p-D704-1~18] 10.4 半導体・トポロジカル・超伝導・強相関スピントロニクス

2023年3月16日(木) 13:30 〜 18:30 D704 (11号館)

福島 鉄也(東大)、名和 憲嗣(三重大)、小林 正起(東大)

14:15 〜 14:30

[16p-D704-4] GaAsBiエピタキシャル薄膜におけるスピン軌道相互作用パラメータの定量評価

国橋 要司1、篠原 康1、長谷川 将2、西中 浩之2、吉本 昌広2、小栗 克弥1、後藤 秀樹1,3、好田 誠4、新田 淳作1,4、眞田 治樹1 (1.NTT物性研、2.京都工繊大、3.広島大、4.東北大工)


The Rashba spin-orbit interaction (SOI) induced by structure inversion asymmetry in III-V semiconductor heterostructures plays an important role in spin manipulation with an external electric field since its strength is electrically controllable via gate bias voltage. Thus, enhancement of the Rashba SOI is one of the key issues for future spintronics devices. Dilute bismides of III-V compound semiconductors are candidate materials for large Rashba SOI because the atoms having large atomic number significantly enhances the intrinsic SOI in III-V semiconductors [1]. However, the quantitative determination of SOI in such dilute bismides has not been reported. We investigated the strength of SOI in a GaAsBi epitaxial layer by Kerr rotation microscopy on the basis of the pump-probe technique. We found that the Rashba SOI parameter alpha is 2.5 meVÅ whereas the Dresselhaus SOI parameter beta induced by bulk inversion asymmetry is much smaller than a in the current GaAsBi heterostructure.