


21 合同セッションK「ワイドギャップ酸化物半導体材料・デバイス」 » 21.1 合同セッションK 「ワイドギャップ酸化物半導体材料・デバイス」

[16p-E102-1~12] 21.1 合同セッションK 「ワイドギャップ酸化物半導体材料・デバイス」

2023年3月16日(木) 13:30 〜 16:45 E102 (12号館)

大島 孝仁(物材機構)、金子 健太郎(立命館大)

16:15 〜 16:30

[16p-E102-11] Improvement in Electrical Properties of Ga2O3 Schottky Barrier Diodes by Nitrogen Radical Treatment

Zhenwei Wang1、Takahiro Kitada1,2、Sandeep Kumar1、Masataka Higashiwaki1,2 (1.NICT、2.OMU)

キーワード:Gallium oxide, Schottky barrier diode, Nitrogen radical treatment

In this talk, we report improvement in electrical properties of Pt/Ga2O3 Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) by applying nitrogen (N) radical treatments on β-Ga2O3 (010) and (100) surfaces. The N radical was generated by an RF-plasma cell in a molecular-beam epitaxy growth chamber. For SBDs with the N radical treatment, near-ideal and wafer-scale homogeneous current density–voltage (JV) characteristics were observed. In contrast, scattered JV curves with inferior ideality factors were measured for SBDs without N radical treatment. These results indicate that the N radical treatment is effective to remove Ga2O3 surface damage and improve Schottky interface properties, which should be useful for development on various types of Ga2O3 devices.